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For further information about Newtown U3A or any of the groups please contact: secretary@newtownu3a.co.uk

| Home | Literary GroupFilm Appreciation | Gardening | Technology | Walking | Luncheon Club | MahJong | Environment | Rummikub | Classical Music |
Members of U3A are all welcome to join the activities of  the groups.  Contact details of leaders are given in the Programme of Events.

We usually meet on a Tuesday afternoon every fortnight or so and are looking for one more person to join us. This is the game at its most basic - if you can play rummy you can play our level of MahJong. We are not competitive and don't keep score! Absolute beginner welcome.

Meetings held fortnightly on Tuesday afternoon 2 pm.to suit members.

Meeting at members homes.

Links: Welshpool U3A      The Virtual U3A (vU3a)