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Newtown Luncheon Group

For further information about Newtown U3A or any of the groups please contact: secretary@newtownu3a.co.uk

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| Home | Literary GroupFilm Appreciation | Gardening | Technology | Walking | Luncheon Club | MahJong | Environment | Rummikub | Classical Music |
Members of U3A are all welcome to join the activities of  the groups.  Contact details of leaders are given in the Programme of Events.

The Luncheon Club was originally started so that people living alone could meet others socially and enjoy a meal together.  This proved very successful and has now developed into an 'open' club to which any members are welcome.

Notices containing details of venue, cost and menu choices are given out at the monthly U3A meetings so look our for them if you fancy lunch out for a change.

Lunch club

Members enjoying lunch at Lakeside

Meetings held:

Third Wednesday - every other month

Venue:  at different venues within a radius of 15 miles of Newtown.

Next Lunch date: 

Links: Welshpool U3A      The Virtual U3A (vU3a)